Junkbashing is a term that evolved from kitbashing, which refers to making models with pieces from multiple different kits. Instead of using any kits I use random junk I've found and collected.
My favorite materials are: discarded jewelry, obsolete electronics, anything in a recycling bin, sponges, coffee stirring sticks, and anything free or cheap!


Wild Trains are the most dangerous predator among the Northern Orcish tribes, beware. I took great danger upon myself to create this. Because, as we all know, to depict a wild train is to incur their wrath. (watch Drawtectives for, slightly, more context)

A toy train modified with cat ears, paws, and tail. It is painted like an orange tabby cat, it is surrounded by low foliage and framed by two grey tree trunks, it is posed as though it's stalking prey.

The wild train is an old train toy plus some clay for the ears and paws, random foam, and a lot of old keyboard parts and yarn. the scenery is some packing foam, string, sponge, and some plaster paper i got for free from somebody, and a paper towel roll


I wanted to make some more realistic foliage for this piece. I wanted to include a bunch of different textures and shades of brown/green, I achieved this using paper, string, dried moss, toothpicks, and sponges.

A disk of foam modeled to look like a small forest with a path running through some underbrush, there is a tiny orange fox curled in the underbrush. There is a large white fox with black marks

The spirit fox is made out of glow in the dark clay I got as a gift, and I got these globes on sale after christmas

A disk of foam inside of a plastic globe. modeled to look like a small forest with a path running through some underbrush, there is a tiny orange fox curled in the underbrush. There is a large white fox with black marks


What is this made of?

Main body: cider can, plastic container, toilet paper roll, corrugated paper.
Propellers: coffee stirring sticks, earbud part, sakura blossom straw protector, medallions, chain links, fancy toothpick.
Fins: cider pack tops, metal bobbins, ear cuffs, eyebrow piercings, thread, breadboard pins, plastic clamshell container, plastic colored pencil container, diodes.
Greebles: rhinestones, chain link halves, medallion, bottle cap, earring back, bead. earbud, game tokens, GCMS bottle lid, pipette tip, earring

What inspired this piece?

I was looking at a pringles can, and thinking about what to make it into. After some thought I settled on a fish themed copper submarine. Naturally the pringles can was not used at all in the final build, it was replaced by a cider can.

a collage of four images. The top image shows a collection of junk, mostly recycling and jewelry. The three bottom images show a small steampunk inspired fish-like submarine painted to look like verdigris copper.


this miniature is an excercise in absolutely tiny scenery. The whole thing is 1.5" by 3" and only a little over 1/2 inches tall, I used an old adagio halloween tea tin

a collage of two images showing a small metal tin, the inside is styled to look like a graveyard. There is a crypt at one end, with a path leading through several bushes and gravestones to a wrought iron fence. The fence is overgrown on both sides and there are some almost invisible ghosts on the edge.


this miniature is an excuse to make a bunch of tiny monsters.

a small metal tin, the inside is styled to look like a nightclub and part of the street. Inside there is a bar, several bar stools, a shelf of liquors, a stage with a mic and a disco ball. Part of the tin is sectioned off to create the illusion of a building opening onto the street. On the street there is a red carpet and two stanchions with a red rope. The same scene from a different angle, now it is filled with strange monsters.


I had a tiny dragon and it needed a forest to chill in. The horde is styled after an eagle eyrie. My favorite part of this was the large dead tree the dragon is nested in. The whole thing is about 4" by 4"


This is an inn room from a D&D campaign i absolutely adore, at one point I was planning to use it as a background for an animation but I greatly overestimated my attention span



One of my earliest miniatures, cat for scale