Oneiric Deities
EpialesHe/they | Child of Hypnos | NightmareHas a high pitched voice. Going through it. Will try and "I'm just a lil guy" his way out of everything. |
PasitheaShe/Her|Grace of Hallucination|In a polycule with Hypnos and Aikaterine, Dionysus' daughter. Has a husky voice like a smoker. Relieved to be away from the hustle and bustle of Olympus. Very uninvolved. |
MorpheusHe/they|Child of Hypnos|People in dreamsInherited Nyx's voice. |
PhantasosIt/it's|Child of Hypnos|Items in dreamsInherited Pasithea's voice |
IcelosIt/it's|Child of Hypnos|Animals in dreamsInherited Pasithea's voice, one lazy eye |
HesychiaShe/her|Daughter of Justice|SilenceHesychia refused to snitch on one of her friends at some point and her mother demanded she be branded a criminal and punished brutally. Fortunately Hypnos was fond of her and beseeched Hera on her behalf. She was still branded but with the eye of Hypnos. She holds great loyalty towards Hypnos and is his dedicated bodyguard. Her wings are also marked with Hypnos' eyes maybe her mom fucked up her original wings? |
LetheShe/her|Forgetfulness|MerchantThe River Lethe flows through all dreams, hence why they are so hard to remember come morning. |
OtiaShe/them|Ease Incarnate|Truly just chilling. |
HypnosHe/Him|Sleep IncarnateIn a polycule with Aikaterine and Pasithea. Often doing stuff for Hera. High pitched voice (cause he was disguised as a bird).
Friends who might show up but don't have art or a character bio
AikaterineShe/Her|ShadeEpiales' mother, in a polycule with Hypnos and Pasithea. |