Oneiric Deities


He/they | Child of Hypnos | Nightmare

Has a high pitched voice. Going through it. Will try and "I'm just a lil guy" his way out of everything.
When Aikaterine died she left behind Epiales in the mortal world, Hypnos called in a bunch of favors and arranged for Epiales to be put into a slumber so he could spend his youth being raised in the Hypnos' domain. Unfortunately when he tried to return he couldn't wake up the easy way, hence the beginning of the game. He has to fight his way through the phases of sleep to return to the waking world.

A gift from Uncle Death


She/Her|Grace of Hallucination|

In a polycule with Hypnos and Aikaterine, Dionysus' daughter. Has a husky voice like a smoker. Relieved to be away from the hustle and bustle of Olympus. Very uninvolved.


He/they|Child of Hypnos|People in dreams

Inherited Nyx's voice.
Eldest sibling, theatre kid, very busy. Hypnos has relegated most dream management to his children. Morpheus is sorta like a director and manages all the Oneiros that play the role of people in dreams.
Occasionaly is the one to give Epiales quests when he needs somebody to send a message cause he's understaffed.
Very invested in his work. often too busy for family time, leads to resentment from Phantasos. Takes after Thanatos lbr
Art is outdated
make sure SOMEBODY gets the dream spindle cause new morpheus design doesn't have it, Morpheus will sometimes appear as other characters before unmasking. The mask they're holding changes between comedy/tragedy with their moods.


It/it's|Child of Hypnos|Items in dreams

Inherited Pasithea's voice
middle sibling, imitates objects in dreams.
Resentful of the attention other siblings get. Not very passionate. In charge of the majority of Oineros because of the large amount of props needed in dreams


It/it's|Child of Hypnos|Animals in dreams

Inherited Pasithea's voice, one lazy eye
Youngest sibling, plays the role of animals in dreams
Has a beast pet
Most mortals are terrified of him but really he just has crippling anxiety
randomly shows up to help with chambers.
also pending a redesign


She/her|Daughter of Justice|Silence

Hesychia refused to snitch on one of her friends at some point and her mother demanded she be branded a criminal and punished brutally. Fortunately Hypnos was fond of her and beseeched Hera on her behalf. She was still branded but with the eye of Hypnos. She holds great loyalty towards Hypnos and is his dedicated bodyguard. Her wings are also marked with Hypnos' eyes maybe her mom fucked up her original wings?



The River Lethe flows through all dreams, hence why they are so hard to remember come morning.
Lethe (the person) occasionally shows up and trades memories (that you find in the dreams) for temporary upgrades


She/them|Ease Incarnate|

Truly just chilling.
Shows up in rest chambers.
The chambers are full of blue cushions
She's always fully nude.
She has prosthetic legs.
Loves warm milk.
Uses crutches. Left handed


He/Him|Sleep Incarnate

In a polycule with Aikaterine and Pasithea. Often doing stuff for Hera. High pitched voice (cause he was disguised as a bird).

Friends who might show up but don't have art or a character bio

  • Panos (labour)
  • Dionysus
  • Eros
  • Ares
  • Thanatos
  • Zagreus
  • Charon
  • Eris
  • Hephestus



Epiales' mother, in a polycule with Hypnos and Pasithea.
Died from a sleep disorder or in her sleep or smth. Aikaterine has big guilt issues due to Epiales' whole deal, Maybe... she went to Tartarus DESPITE Hades saying she should go to Asphodel and Epiales has to rescue her and reconcile